Interested in Teaching?

LSA TRAINING is looking for teachers in all Information Technology subjects. Below are just a few of our needs In All our Centres

  • Software Testing Courses
  • Salesforce Training Courses
  • Google Cloud Courses
  • DATA Courses
  • Microsoft Azure Cloud Courses
  • AWS Cloud Courses
  • Programming Courses
  • IT Management Courses  etc…

LSA TRAINING is seeking instructors / trainers who have excellent oral and written communication skills, and love to teach Information Technology subjects to capable, eager and interested students.
Successful applicants will have at least 5 years of meaningful experience in one of the following consulting areas:
The applicant must have significant participation in at least two complete projects involving design and implementation in the consulting area.
At least five plus years of IT experience is also required. Prior teaching or training experience is also preferred. Flexible working arrangements can be negotiated. Consultants thinking of doing this kind of teaching on the side are very much encouraged to apply.
Pay will be a combination of commission and a per class fee, all working part time.

Expectations for Teachers:

  • Taking the subjects curriculum we have and on the first day subdividing what will be covered over the timeframe the class has been allocated.
  • Coming to each class 10 minutes early to setup. Being late is a bad sign for the students that you do not have the commitment and they will also take the class lightly.
  • Teaching real project scenarios – This will be in addition to the curriculum – Have to explain a minimum of 2 end to end implementations.
  • Once classes are over, interacting with the students at least twice a week for a minimum of 1 hour classes, and continuing to teach new topics. This can be done online or live, but we prefer live. This is very important. If this is not done, they students will simply leave slowly.
  • Should conduct a minimum of 3 exams during the final 3 weeks of the course. This will motivate the students and will show us who needs help.
  • All Faculties need to emphasis the practical aspects of a subject. This means, teach the subject then show it practically, and then ask the students to do it, and watch them do it. This will reinforce the subject and should be followed for all topics.
  • Give lots of assignments (project work) and evaluate and publish the result. The work should continue till they find a job. The students should be fully engaged for a minimum of 8-10 hours a day learning.
  • All Faculties should have classes that are interactive. It is very important for the students to communicate and talk and ask questions. The better they do in this, the better they will do when they get to the job site.

A few points to understand

If you are here to simply teach and then leave, we do not want you.
We want teachers that will immerse themselves into our student’s lives. They should know who needs more help and work with them. They should keep teaching till every student is either placed or a decision is made to part with a particular student.
We will compensate you very well for your efforts, but the Faculties efforts in our training will be the difference between failure and success.

Please contact via Phone or Email

Call:  +44 203 371 0546
